Contact Us

If this is the first time that you visit our website and you are interested in our services, please just go to the contact page and in your comments tel us how do you want us to contact you and we will do it as soon as possible.



we will send you some questions in order to understand what we can do for you. The sooner you answer, the faster we will start to work after the proposal has been accepted it by you.



We will either send you a proposal or job rejection letter. If we send you a proposal, it will be like a invoice via Paypal, explaning clear what are we going to do and how much it will cost.


50% Payment in advance (no checks,no exceptions)

The invoice via PayPal will allow you to either make the full payment plus taxes or just 50% , once we get the credit from you, we will send an confirmation email letting you know that we have start to work on your website.


Website Delivery and last 50% Payment

We will send you a video showing that we finish our job, then you will get second invoice for the remaining 50% and once we get it, we will activate and deliver the website to you via email. If you want us to be your web master, let us know so you will pay only when you need us, no contracts no hidden fees. Thank you